AI Credits Page

When you have spent your free AI credits, you can always get more. Here you can get additional credits and find out all the information about AI credits.

Get 1000 AI credits

  • Covers up to 1000 AI queries *

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Get 2000 AI credits

  • Covers up to 2000 AI queries *

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* See detailed price list

What are AI credits?

AI credits are digital tokens that can be exchanged for AI chat queries. Each query costs a certain amount of credits. Costs are calculated based on the length of queries and their responses, according to the price list.

Where can I get AI credits?

Each code editor license comes with 300 free AI credits, which will cover approximately 100 - 300 AI chat queries of average length. Trial version users receive 30 free credits. You can purchase additional credits on this page.

Why do I have to pay for AI?

AI queries are a paid service provided by third-party AI infrastructure companies. Additionally, there are ongoing cloud hosting and maintenance costs associated with AI integration. Unlike our competitors, we do not charge any recurring fees, so you still get the best deal.

Terms and conditions

  • Credits will be valid for a minimum of one year
    We promise that you will be able to use credits within 1 year after purchase. Most likely, your credits will remain valid beyond this period; however, we cannot guarantee extended validity due to the experimental nature of AI technology.
  • No refunds for unused credits
    No refunds will be provided for expired or unused credits. We will issue refunds for unused credits only if AI services become permanently unavailable within one year of purchase.
  • AI query pricing is subject to change
    We hope that AI services will become even more affordable; however, prices may increase if our costs rise due to changes from our AI service or hosting providers.
  • No warranty of any kind
    AI is an experimental technology, so we cannot and do not provide any warranty of any kind. The AI service is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

AI Services Price List

The cost of AI services is based on the length of the query and response, as well as the AI model used. Longer queries and responses are more expensive. As AI services are provided by third-party companies, our pricing is based on the costs set by our AI infrastructure providers. For instance, our current provider, OpenAI, measures usage in "tokens", where 1000 tokens roughly equate to 750 words.

ChatGPT 4 mini vs ChatGPT 4

In most cases, ChatGPT 4 mini provides results similar to ChatGPT 4, but it is cheaper and responds faster. Version 4 (non-mini) is somewhat slower but may provide better results and fewer mistakes in more challenging scenarios. Most ChatGPT 4 mini queries, even the long ones, will cost just 1 AI credit, while ChatGPT 4 queries over approximately 190 words will usually cost more than 1 credit.

Price list

Minimum request fee
1 AI credit

1K GPT-3.5 tokens (~750 words) *
1 AI credit

2K GPT-4 mini tokens (~1500 words) *
1 AI credit

1K GPT-4 tokens (~750 words) *
4 AI credits

* 1K tokens are approximately 750 words according to information provided by OpenAI API price list.

ChatGPT 4 Examples

Example with ~20 words

Write CSS code that smoothly enlarges .button elements upon hover.

                    .button {
                        transition: transform 0.3s ease;

                    .button:hover {
                        transform: scale(1.1);

1 AI Credit

Example with ~190 words

Write PHP function that takes URL and keyword as parameter and returns true if URL can be downloaded and keyword can be found, otherwise returns false. Silent error and timeout handling.

                    function canDownloadAndFindKeyword($url, $keyword) {
                        // Set a reasonable timeout for the request
                        $timeout = 10; // Timeout in seconds

                        // Initialize a cURL session
                        $ch = curl_init($url);

                        // Set cURL options
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Return the transfer as a string
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // Follow redirects
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); // Set the timeout

                        // Execute the cURL session
                        $content = curl_exec($ch);

                        // Check for errors and if the keyword exists in the content
                        $noErrors = curl_errno($ch) === 0;
                        $keywordFound = strpos($content, $keyword) !== false;

                        // Close cURL session

                        // Return true if no errors and keyword found, false otherwise
                        return $noErrors && $keywordFound;

This function uses cURL to fetch the content from the provided URL and checks if the keyword is present. It handles errors silently by returning false if any cURL error occurs or if the keyword is not found. The function also follows any redirects and has a timeout set to avoid long waits.

1 AI Credit

ChatGPT 4 mini Examples

Example with ~20 words

Write CSS code that smoothly enlarges .button elements upon hover.

                    .button {
                        transition: all 0.3s ease;

                    .button:hover {
                        transform: scale(1.2);

1 AI Credit

Example with ~200 words

Write PHP function that takes URL and keyword as parameter and returns true if URL can be downloaded and keyword can be found, otherwise returns false. Silent error and timeout handling.

Sure! Here's an example of a function that takes a URL and a keyword as parameters and checks if the URL can be downloaded and if the keyword can be found:

                    function checkUrlForKeyword($url, $keyword) {
                        // Set the timeout duration in seconds
                        $timeout = 10;

                        // Create a cURL handle
                        $curl = curl_init();

                        // Set the cURL options
                        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);

                        // Execute the cURL request
                        $response = curl_exec($curl);

                        // Check if any error occurred during the request
                        if (curl_errno($curl)) {
                            return false;

                        // Close the cURL handle

                        // Check if the response contains the keyword
                        if (strpos($response, $keyword) !== false) {
                            return true;

                        return false;

You can use this function by passing the URL and keyword as arguments. It will return true if the URL can be downloaded and the keyword is found in the response, otherwise it will return false. The function also handles silent errors and timeouts using cURL.

1 AI Credit